- Wheelchair ramp & ADA entrance
- Lobby and attached receptionist office
- (1) front office
- (2) rooms suitable for office or storage
- (1) large, open-layout workspace with 2x attached utility rooms
- (2) restrooms
The property is zoned SP-1-CDR within the Corridor District of the Midtown Specific Plan by the City of Long Beach.
Corridor (CDR): The Corridor District is applied to properties along Long Beach Boulevard between Blue Line stations and the 405 Freeway. It is intended to provide housing options and neighborhood-serving uses within walking distance of a transit node.
Building types include lined block, stacked flats, courtyard housing, livework, rowhouses, and tuck-under units. Multifamily residential and mixeduse projects are in two- to four-story buildings. Single-use, neighborhoodserving uses occupy buildings between one and three stories. Mixed-use and non-residential projects are centered on key intersections while residential and public/quasi-public uses infill at midblock locations.
Learn more: Long Beach: Midtown Specific Plan